Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Passion to run

     Everybody in the world has that one thing that they have a passion for. This can vary anywhere from sports, to reading a book, everybody is different in their own way. I personally have found something in my life that gives me an escape from the real world. It took me all the way to high school to find this, but since then it has become the love of my life. Running is something that anybody can do and it helps you in so many different ways. 
    Running has become a big part of my life now being a collegiate runner, but its what keeps me sane through the game of life. During practice when I have runs, this is a good hour or more where I can zone out the rest of the world and relax. Nothing else matters to me at this moment, and everything that was a problem has become obsolete during running. Running is a way for me to cope with things in a better way instead of just going out and doing something ridiculous. 
    Running has not only been a way to get away from things, but also has become a major influence in everything that has happened in my life up to this day. The more and more that I think about things, the more I realize that running has put me in the position where I am at today. If it wasn't for running I wouldn't be attending college and getting my degree. Without running, I don't feel that I would of shaped to be the person that I am. I have learned so many different things from running that I feel nothing else in life can really teach you. Running makes you push to your limits, build determination, feel intense pain, and after all is said an done feel great success for what was just accomplished.

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